Music at night

530×530 mm, 2021, ink, acrylic paint and goldleaf on paper
To home

610 x 820 mm, 2020, ink, acrylic paint and goldleaf on paper, in a private collection
In the waves of memories

590 x 790 mm, 2020, ink, acrylic paint and goldleaf on paper, in a private collection
Free as the wind

512×677 mm, 2020, ink and acrylic paint on paper
The power of the sound of water

894 x 695 mm, 2020, ink and acrylic paint on paper
Pieces of happiness

780×375 mm, 2020, ink, acrylic paint and goldleaf on paper
Chi – the power of life

395×760 mm, 2020, ink on paper

527×527 mm, 2020, ink and acrylic paint on paper
In the same direction

527×527 mm, 2020, ink and acrylic paint on paper
Stay close

527×527 mm, 2020, ink and acrylic paint on paper, in a private collection